Solstice Partners Program Provides New Benefits to Enterprise Management Developers

by Anna Weldon, ISV Marketing Manager

Since its evolution from the SunNet Manager Partners Program in October 1994, the Solstice Partners Program has provided Enterprise Management developers with a unique level of joint marketing and technical support. The Solstice Partners include key Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), system integrators, and device vendors who, as members of a SunSoft Catalyst Technology Program , can integrate their products with the Solstice product line. The combination of the Solstice product line and Solstice Partner products provides comprehensive Enterprise Management solutions that support mission-critical applications.

Through a variety of joint marketing and development support activities, the Program has grown to encompass more than 150 Partners in the enterprise management marketplace. This article provides an overview of what the Partners enjoy as members of the Solstice Partners Program and how they, and future Partners, will benefit in the future.

Program Growth Offers New Marketing Opportunities

The primary objective of the Solstice Partners Program is to create business opportunities for Solstice Partners in the enterprise management market. Other key objectives include encouraging and developing a true alliance between SunSoft and the Partners, as well as ensuring that the Program meets the needs of a broad spectrum of Solstice Partners. To reach these goals and to build Partner visibility worldwide, SunSoft has created new, custom joint marketing activities and events, in addition to the benefits partners currently enjoy through their Catalyst membership. The new benefits, as well as overall product directions and company strategies, were presented to our partners at the twice yearly Partner Meetings held in the U.S. and Europe last April. Marketing efforts for the program are focused both internally and externally. This approach was utilized in response to partner requests to improve methods of reaching appropriate target audiences worldwide.

Today, Sun has internal communication vehicles in place that enable our partners to better address Sun Microsystems, Inc. (SMI) audiences, such as our sales force. These vehicles include placing ISV demo software on an internal Sun Server and providing Solstice Partner collateral and company information on the World-Wide Web via the Solstice Partners homepage.

Our Solstice Partners also have access to a wide external audience through a variety of joint marketing mechanisms. These mechanisms include joint tradeshow participation in the Solstice Partners Technology Showcases at NetWorld+InterOp and SunWorld, joint press activities, and inclusion in the Solstice Partner Application Portfolio. According to Leland Putterman, Vice President of Marketing, BMC Software, Inc., these joint marketing activities have been quite valuable. "BMC Software has extended the level of integration and compatibility between PATROL and Solstice by utilizing the wealth of information offered by the Solstice Partners Program," he said. "We look forward to continued participation in the program."

Currently, some of the joint marketing activities available to our partners include:

The Program Provides Focused Support

The Solstice Partners Program also provides focused support to Partners who integrate their solutions with the Solstice product family. The Solstice product line focuses on the nine areas of enterprise management including:

  1. Fault/Event, Performance Management

  2. Storage Management

  3. Software Management

  4. Configuration Management

  5. Workload Management

  6. Security Management

  7. Help Desk

  8. Support Services

  9. Accounting/Chargeback

The primary goal of the Solstice Partners support team within SunSoft is to ensure that the combination of the Solstice product family and the Solstice Partner products offer complete solutions in each of the nine enterprise management areas. Depending on the level of integration a Partner product has with a Solstice platform, Partners receive a classification status of either Preferred or Power. SunSoft uses this classification in defining the level of support available to each Partner. Regardless of their classification however, all Partners receive a base level of support through the Catalyst Program. This base level support program includes developer support, hardware and software discounts, as well access to the Hardware Lease and Rental Program.

In addition to support from the Catalyst Program, Power partners also receive free software upgrades and developer technical support . Another key benefit for Power partners is access to the Solstice Partners Program Developers Kit. Introduced in July 1995, this Kit provides a wealth of information to assist Partners in their integration efforts. The Kit includes the following:

Current Solstice Partners Enthusiastically Endorse the Program

The Solstice Partners Program merges strong joint marketing activities with an effective developer support program and this combination has garnered great enthusiasm from our current Partners. Here are a few samples of what a few of our Partners have to say about the Program:

"The Solstice Partners Program is the industry's leading program for supporting network management application developers. Frontier Software's NETscout Manager, integrated with SunNet Manager, delivers unprecedented distributed monitoring and diagnostic tools for enterprise networks."

Nathan Kowalski, Vice President of Marketing, Frontier Software

"We fully support the Solstice Partners Program. It allows us to add more value to SunNet Manager with the NetMetrix applications thereby providing users with internetwork monitoring, troubleshooting and planning capabilities."

Andy Belcher, Business Unit Manager, Network Test Division, Hewlett-Packard Company

"The Solstice Partners Program sends the message that SunSoft understands the complex nature of enterprise management. A true enterprise management solution requires more than products; it requires partners with an in-depth understanding of the underlying network, system and application infrastructure and the integration expertise to fully exploit the power of the Solstice family of products."

Clay Calhoun, Director, Strategic Partner Programs, SSDS, Inc.

Future Enhancements to the Solstice Partners Program

The next six months will be an exciting time for the Solstice Partners Program. SunSoft plans to expand the Program in Europe, as well as to extend its' reach into new markets, such as telecommunications. SunSoft also plans to create additional joint marketing opportunities and developer support initiatives with the goal of continuing to enhance the success of the Solstice Partners.

For further information on how to become a member of the Solstice Partners Program, please call 1-800-SUNSOFT or (512) 434-1234.